Friday 29 April 2016

You Make Me Panic, Damn It!

I was having a mental breakdown just now, luckily it was not so serious. Something was wrong with the internet connection, somehow my laptop cannot connect to the wifi even though the password was correct. I googled the solution in my mother's laptop and fortunately I found the solution. Thank god! I asked many questions at first and tried the solutions they suggested but none of it works. Then, I found a video on Youtube and I follow the instructions, 'I finally found the light'. 

I did as told. While I was panicking, I listened to some shanties in assassin's creed 4 black flag. It was a celebration as I finished playing the game and I succeed in fixing the problem. I was worried because it is not my laptop, it's my sister's.

Now, let's hear some shanties, shall we?

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