Saturday, 24 February 2018

You Look Silly

Yesterday, we send my grandmother's car for a car wash. There is a car in front of us and they got their car washed first. My father parked the car beside their car and we get out from the car. There are chairs provided. So, we used the chair. I was so befuddled at that time and kept asking myself, why the driver and the passenger of the other car did not get out from the car? Do people stay inside the car while getting their car washed is a trend nowadays? All I can say was they look silly.

After the car is being washed, they have to vacuum the car and finally the driver and the passenger come out from the car. Then, what's the point of them sitting inside their car throughout the car wash? If you want to do that, then go to the automatic car wash. At least you will experience something better there. The reason I post this story is because I don't like their arrogant faces. Just that. Silly me and silly them.

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