Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Assumption vs True Statement

Difference between assumption and statement is that assumption is something that is uncertain, we do not know the truth or cause or effects of that assumption and that you should not believe or accept it when you hear for the first time. Whereas statement is something that you can choose to believe it or not. Whatever choice you make, the statement is a statement.

What I'm trying to say is assumptions can cause a fight. We cannot believe the assumptions because we do not know the real story behind the assumptions people make. It is just an assumption. 'Mungkin' is a word that people use to make assumptions. People can assume, it is their right to make assumptions. Or if you want to avoid making assumption, then you have to think good about that person. Keep a good thought or just keep yourself out from other people's problem.  For the person who listens to assumptions also can have a good thought on that assumptions. If people believe it, and they spread it to others, it can cause misunderstanding between two parties or more.

If people believe on assumptions, they are stupid. It is like people believe on something that is wrong from the beginning. Narrow-minded people tend to believe the assumption without hearing both sides of story and that can cause a fight. I've been in this situation before. Be rational in this kind of situation, we have to hear both sides before judging others or making a statement. It is stupid if people fight because of something that is never true. Please fix your mentality.

Peace Yo!

The pictures are from Google.

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