Saturday, 24 February 2018

You Look Silly

Yesterday, we send my grandmother's car for a car wash. There is a car in front of us and they got their car washed first. My father parked the car beside their car and we get out from the car. There are chairs provided. So, we used the chair. I was so befuddled at that time and kept asking myself, why the driver and the passenger of the other car did not get out from the car? Do people stay inside the car while getting their car washed is a trend nowadays? All I can say was they look silly.

After the car is being washed, they have to vacuum the car and finally the driver and the passenger come out from the car. Then, what's the point of them sitting inside their car throughout the car wash? If you want to do that, then go to the automatic car wash. At least you will experience something better there. The reason I post this story is because I don't like their arrogant faces. Just that. Silly me and silly them.

Monday, 19 February 2018

It Is Not Wrong To Be A Narcissist(Appreciate) Sometimes

noun: narcissist; plural noun: narcissists
  1. a person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves.

    "narcissists who think the world revolves around them"
I think it's okay for us to be a narcissist sometimes. I sometime think of myself to be pretty when I want to boost my confident level. It is not severe, but I think people do need it sometimes. I once thought that people taking selfies are crazy, but now I just think that they want to boost their confident level. My first impression of people that are taking lots of selfies are that they do not have confident in themselves so they take selfies to appreciate their face or personality. They will praise their own self for being given a beautiful face.

But then again, 'Beauty Lies on the Eyes of The Beholder'. We think our face is enough to rake the praises from people, but others may think otherwise. They may say that we are ugly or 'fake'. Well, you cannot shut other people's mouth. Just ignore them. I like this sentence "I don't give a damn of what's coming out from their mouth". Just focus on yourself and ignore those people, but do not think highly of yourself. It is a waste of time to even think about them. 

People can be discouraged because of unattractive appearance. They might lost their confidence but do not think that beauty is the only way to boost your confidence. If you have better education, experience, good personality or knowledge, you can be better than the others. There are so many factors to boost your confident level other than beauty. You can be a narcissist (one that appreciate their face not the one that idolize their face) or you can develop other factors to be confident. I like being a narcissist because I think it helps me with me being confident about everything. I like to keep a low profile because I keep thinking that there are many beautiful girls than me. I felt so discouraged. But as I said "I don't give a damn of what they are talking about  me". From there I started to take of myself and learn to have a good personality. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm not telling you to have a personality disorder. Just that you have to appreciate of what God has given us not idolize or glorify with the beauty.
Image result for snow white's mother and mirror

Google image.

Thursday, 15 February 2018

Keep Moving Forward

The images are from Google.

15/2/2018 12.40 am


UiTM student should already know what this date means. The result came out today. I looked at it. As soon as I know the result, I went home and went straight for my laptop. Here I am.

Semester 3 yang sangat memenatkan dan sangat sibuk. Aaaaa, saya sedar memang patut pun result macam ni. Sepandai-pandai tupai melompat, akhirnya jatuh ke tanah jua. I've been arrogant for this whole time. Thinking I could do it even though I'm busy. That's all bullshit. My costing subject, I think I failed, but my lecturer decided to save me from repeating the subject, she gave me a C. Anyway, thank you and Alhamdulillah for this result. Lesson learnt. I will work harder for the next semester. I will let you know my result as to compensate my ignorance in studying. I missed my chance to get my ANC but it will never stop me to work harder for next semester.

Pesanan buat anda semua yang mempunyai komitmen atau yang tidak mempunyai komitmen. you should know, study is important. You should focus more on your study than your other activities. Now, you have to embed it in your mind and get back on studying. You did well!! Congratulations!!

Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Assumption vs True Statement

Difference between assumption and statement is that assumption is something that is uncertain, we do not know the truth or cause or effects of that assumption and that you should not believe or accept it when you hear for the first time. Whereas statement is something that you can choose to believe it or not. Whatever choice you make, the statement is a statement.

What I'm trying to say is assumptions can cause a fight. We cannot believe the assumptions because we do not know the real story behind the assumptions people make. It is just an assumption. 'Mungkin' is a word that people use to make assumptions. People can assume, it is their right to make assumptions. Or if you want to avoid making assumption, then you have to think good about that person. Keep a good thought or just keep yourself out from other people's problem.  For the person who listens to assumptions also can have a good thought on that assumptions. If people believe it, and they spread it to others, it can cause misunderstanding between two parties or more.

If people believe on assumptions, they are stupid. It is like people believe on something that is wrong from the beginning. Narrow-minded people tend to believe the assumption without hearing both sides of story and that can cause a fight. I've been in this situation before. Be rational in this kind of situation, we have to hear both sides before judging others or making a statement. It is stupid if people fight because of something that is never true. Please fix your mentality.

Peace Yo!

The pictures are from Google.

Tuesday, 6 February 2018

Lay Sheep

I'm loving this song. Also miss Lay with other EXO members. I love the dance too. It's so cool!

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