want to share my travelling experience going back to my university. I went out
of my house at 4.30 pm, my friend fetched me. We took KTM at Bandar Tasik
Selatan, also known as TBS. My friend and I arrived at 5.20 pm. The train
schedule is at 6.30 pm. We waited for few minutes at the platform. We could
have arrived at Pulau Sebang/Tampin station at 8.00 pm but we took off at the
wrong station. It was only one station, we have to wait for an hour and 20
minutes for the next train. We arrived at 10.00 pm at Pulau Sebang/Tampin
station. As soon as we arrived, we ate Yong Tau Foo because we are starving!!
Then my friend pick us up at 10.30 pm and we arrived at my college at 11.00 pm.
That is my journey for today. Lesson learnt. Next time, if you want to go back
by bus, please purchase the ticket early, if not, then there is no bus for you
Wednesday, 19 September 2018
Second Week
My second week was almost hectic.
All is well. The class started on Wednesday because Monday and Tuesday are
public holiday. I didn’t go home for the past weekend. It was boring because my
roommates went home. I am not scared of staying in the room alone. For those
four days of holidays, I just stayed in my room. I ate instant food but if I
want to eat a proper meal, then I can get my juniors to buy for me. It was not
bullying, they volunteered.
I did my quiz on tax and also done
my presentation for entrepreneur subject. I also got a new assignment. Yeayyyy.
The presentation was in front of two classes, we did well, I am proud of
myself. I hope we get the 5% for our carry mark. For the quiz, we only got five
minutes to answer it. I was so nervous but it went well. I thought that I have
to answer only one quiz but there were two of it. My lecturer made us do both of
the questions. Luckily, I managed to answer it.
Week 2 is done. Looking forward to a
new week ahead. My lecturer wants to see our progress on our assignment. Semoga
Allah permudahkan.
Wednesday, 12 September 2018
Money, Where Are You?
The title of the post is so funny but it is not funny when we are in the real situation of not having money. I noticed a lot of new things in this semester. One of it is there are many students selling their products. They have their own business. I guess they want to make money to buy books and for their expenses this semester. I don’t mind, it is good to have this kind of environment, it means they want to find money on their own. I also want to find money on my own. I have my own business selling foods. Also I am so happy that my old books are all sold out. Yeay!!
I did mention about books just now. I am so lucky that my seniors gave me their books so I do not have to buy it. It saves me hundreds. Thank you sis! Saya doakan akak2 dapat dekan! Love you! My friends have to buy new ones and it cost them a lot. I am still searching for free book from my seniors, hope I can get one or two for my friends. Be nice to your seniors, I am not saying that my friends are not nice to them but they do not have any relations with other seniors before. That is why. Rapat dengan senior bukan sebab nak popular ke apa, tapi sebab inilah, maybe kita boleh dapat buku free, information yang juniors lain tak tahu atau knowledge ke cara belajar yang lebih efektif untuk sesuatu subjek tu. I am still searching for free books, so sabar jap eh kawan-kawan.
For those yang nak berjimat, I suggest you to challenge yourself with the 52-weeks challenge. Just print out any layout and you can start saving. You can get more than a thousand if you save your money with the 52-weeks challenge. I did too. Harap istiqamahlah dalam saving. I spend only for lunch and dinner, I mean I eat heavy meals for lunch and dinner. I spend for about RM10 for two meals and on the weekend, I do not go outside and eat my instant foods. It is not healthy, I know, but only for two days in a week. I do not spend my money on useless things such as things that I don’t need. I just buy necessities. Know your needs and wants. Prioritize your needs than your wants. Lastly, close your eyes when you are near to things that you want to buy. Do not ever stop to see them and have patience in yourself. I hope all is well with your money and lust for your ‘wants’.
Google image.
Tuesday, 11 September 2018
Being Busy Holding You Back From Achieving Many Things?
Been thinking to myself, is holding to many positions can hold you back form achieving many things? I think, if you involve with various clubs or organizations in university, you can managed your time more efficiently. That’s one of the achievement isn’t it? Being able to manage your time carefully. Sometimes, we have to count in the smallest thing in our daily life as it may be one of the biggest factor to become successful in life. Being involved in many things do not assure our successful life. Being capable of managing our time for studying and involve in clubs or organizations, that makes us a better person than others who just focused on one thing.
I have friends who just study. Their job is studying. That is it. Okay. They are very polite, nice and always get good marks in examinations. Their CGPA’s are very impressive. I always look up to them but not in overall perspective. I was impressed by the way they are studying. Always on the desk. I would say that is not a healthy way of studying or achieving good GPA. You have to involve in club’s activity or activity that college organize. At least involve in one or two activities of the club’s activities. Many people say we are nerds just because we are excellent in our study. I am a nerd too, I study on my desk for hours but I also involve in my college’s activities. I like being busy, that is who I am. Of course, not everyone is the same. I get jealous when my friends get four flat for their CGPA but not so jealous when I look at their achievement on something else. They achieve nothing other that four flat in their CGPA. What I am trying say is, be active outdoors other that active in studying.
Involving in many activities actually do not hold you back from your studies. It gives you chance to become better. Chance to manage your time. It is also as a preparation for when you are entering your career phase, when you are working later. Involving in things other than studying can teach you many things like how to handle university students, learn how each departments works in events, how to organize events and many more. It teaches us many things. Take opportunity of it. When you are in diploma, it is easy to achieve many things. We are being spoon fed in diploma but later in degree, you have to do it yourself. The more we get older, the wiser we get. (OH MY GRAMMAR). We become wiser through experience. Experience is very valuable. You will regret if you do not experience it.
Monday, 10 September 2018
First Week of My Last Semester Part 2
Hi, this is the continuation of my last post. I want to continue on what happened on the first week of my fifth semester. Okay, I want to talk about how heavenly my schedule is for this semester.
This is my schedule, for now there is no amendment. I have three days of morning class and one day of evening class. This is just the schedule and this is nothing compared to the workloads. Of course we study for the designated times but, the workloads are shitty. Sorry not sorry. Most people thought it was just introductions of the subject but, (there is ‘but’ again in my sentence) we started our first lesson of audit and tax. We even finished one subtopic on that day and there is quiz waiting for us on the next week. We didn’t mind, seriously because we also want to catch up with our lessons faster so that we can have our holidays in peace and also we do not want to replace our class or having extra classes at the end of the fourteen weeks.
For the second day, only god knows how we waited for the evening class. I have plenty of rest, thank you. The third day, we were having fun in the evening and for the fourth day, I took my time sleeping late and wake up late at 10. Even though the schedule is flexible, I have may things to do. For this semester, I was appointed as assistant class rep. My class rep cannot attend the two days of classes, so any work related to that, I handled it the most. I know my class rep is the busiest person in the world, so to lessen his burden, I took care of it. For accounting student, we mostly do our exercise by doing the past semesters. I was the one who photocopied the past semesters question. It was easy because I am also the treasurer of the class. I don’t mind having many positions because I LIKE IT. I like being busy.
I have a new resolution for this semester, I will finish my assignment on the day I get it. I will not procrastinate when it is related to homework and assignments. Assignment is impossible but homework is possible to get it done on that day . Next week, I have a presentation, quizzes, and homework to be submitted. I managed to get it done on Saturday. So, what am I supposed to do now? Haven’t you heard of the word ‘revision’? I think you better get ready for that because time is not waiting for you. Appreciate your time by doing something productive. You can always watch movies in your spare time but not too much because the movies gave you nothing but relaxation. Good luck for your studies!
Sunday, 9 September 2018
First Week of My Last Semester
Hi, I haven’t been writing for so long and I’m sorry for that. I want to talk about what happened on my first week out of fourteen weeks of my fifth semester. This is my last semester for my diploma studies. I am currently studying in UiTM Alor Gajah. I have been here for two years now and I hope I can pursue my degree at Puncak Alam. It would be very convenient for me as it is so close to my house.
I returned to my college on Friday, the day before the actual registration that is on Saturday and Sunday. I participated in the registration of students into college. Basically, I was just making sure they got their room keys by signing their name. Thinking back, for those students who study in UiTM Alor Gajah, they are very lucky because they will get to stay in college inside UiTM no matter what and for those who didn’t get a place in any college, they can make their plead by writing letter to the college management. While waiting for the result, they have to transit for a week in a college.
So, I was there, taking care of our assigned college. I have to register students for Tun Ali college and Tun Hamzah college. All I have to do is to register JPK and sekitariat of the college because those two colleges are occupied by the interims who got into the college before us. I was there for the whole day and it was scorching hot. I got migraine from it. It lasts for three days.
For the next day, I decide to take a rest. It shocked me that I got migraine just from sitting in the hall for a day. Just sitting. Then, I got migraine, wth! On Sunday, thought that I could get some rest for the whole day, I cannot because I was not peaceful with the ‘male traffics’ I would say. My room is the furthest of the corridor, it got the whole view of our college. So, parents would go there to see the whole view of the college and furthermore my room is on the highest floor that is the third floor. I want to open my door for efficient ventilation but I cannot. On the evening, I can tolerate with parents who help their daughters settle in their things into their room but after five, it is not appropriate because we would be not wearing our hijab and we want to rest at that time. I notice a very distinct differences between my time and theirs. I mean we are millennial but we are very different. Millennial nowadays are very spoiled. For me, I wouldn’t want my parent to help me lift my things up to my room. It is on the third floor for god sake and I wish I can manage on my own, lifting my own things. I did most of it. My mother helped me twice and my father helped me once. I carried the heavy ones and it hurts my heart that my parent also helped me carrying my things to my room.
I mean, do children nowadays do not have that conscience or do the parents spoiled their kids too much? That is my question that I have been asking myself and my parent since their first time entering the university (MDS). I am not jealous because I think my parent provide me enough for me to live on my own, to take care of myself when I am away from them. I am capable of being independent and I rarely call my parent nor I go back to my house every weekend. What struck me the most is when I got to know there was one or two parents that were still there when their children went for the orientation. It is absurd! If you want your daughter to be in front of you for the whole time, might as well, take her home and homeschool her. I know parents want the best for their children but there is a limit. My parent give me chances to learn and find out things on my own. When I have that chance, I can be more independent and it taught me how to solve problem on my own. Alhamdulillah, I gain courage from it and I can feel that I become more independent person.
Tuesday, 29 May 2018
Well Done!
Whenever you feel discouraged or unable to achieve your goal, please remember that you have supports from others and that they are okay and satisfied with your performance. You did well!!
Pat yourself and say Good Job! Well Done!
The image is from Google.
Sunday, 27 May 2018
How To Become A Better Me
We cannot expect everything to always go our way. There are pros and cons in everything. Always think positive and hope that Allah will ease everything.
I learnt that cara penerimaan orang terhadap sesuatu teguran tu lain. Memang rasa malu tapi teguran dan kritikan perlu diterima. Saya faham kita semua ada ego masing-masing. We have to accept people’s opinion towards us. That’s how we get to be a better person. In other words, muhasabah diri selalu tapi berpada-pada because it can demotivate you. Saya pun ada ego saya dan saya juga sangat malu bila ada orang tegur pasal kesalahan kita. Tapi, kalau tak terima kritikan, macam mana kita nak perbaiki diri kita. Personaliti kita? Orang kena terima kita the way we are? Tak semua, kalau perangai kita semua orang tak suka, jangan expect semua orang nak terima kita seadanya dengan perangai buruk tu. Kita yang kena berubah, bukannya orang lain yang kena berubah disebabkan kita seorang.
I just wanted to share how people that have commitment other than studying, it was hard to manage our time. Basically, my work is to take care of students of my college. I enjoy taking care of them. They are like my own sisters. I have a responsibility and commitment in my university. Responsibility, berat kan? Kita yang sekadar mendengar dan melihat perkataan ini pun terasa berat. Sekarang kita ada tanggungjawab sebagai anak dan pelajar. Itu pun kita dah rasa berat. Apalah perasaan mak ayah kita yang membesarkan kita selama ni? Amanah lagi? Berat2….
Saya bersyukur kerana diberi peluang untuk memegang jawatan yang saya anggap agak tinggi dalam sebuah organisasi yang tugasnya adalah setiap hari dan bukan pada waktu ada event sahaja kita perlu terllibat. Dengan melibatkan diri dalam organisasi, kita dapat belajar cara menguruskan event dan kita dapat menimba pengalaman dalam menjaga perihal pelajar yang banyak kerenah. Dengan penglibatan ini, saya menjadi lebih matang. I love how it builds me to be a better me. I have friends that supports me because they went through the same thing. I have a friend that has a big responsibility than me, he had to manage the whole university in the state. I salute him for his maturity and how he manage his time, also how he solve problems. I like his opinions on everything that I ask. Its just that he is the only one that commits to his responsibility. I dont see others doing their work. Geram pulak bila cakap pasal ni. There's more to this. Friend is friend but work is work. In other words, be professional. When we are too kind, people will take advantage on us. That's what happened to my friends. Its okay, its their personality, I respect them, I will always support and help them. (Cakap banyak kali tak dengar, hmmmm nak buat macam mana, baik sangat, nak tegur banyak2 kali pun rasa bersalah)
Selalulah fikir benda yang terjadi ni ada hikmahnya. Ada sebab Allah bagi kita ujian macam ni. Jangan lupa semua ni adalah ujian bagi kita dan pada Allah lah kita perlu minta pertolongan. Minta permudahkan dan minta kuatkan dan cekalkan hati kita untuk tempuh segala dugaan yang Allah bagi. This must always be in our doa.
Wednesday, 23 May 2018
A Regret
I experienced something new today. It was similar to an interview but this one was more to chatting. It was an interview on finding trainers for elections purpose. The trainers will give a speech on the importance of general elections. I was interested but at the same time I was so disappointed. I didn't come to the interview willingly. I was told that we will be given a lecture on something about that agency but turn out it was an interview. I told myself to shut up my mouth when I was being interviewed. I did that. I hope that I didn't get chosen.
After a while, I think that I made a mistake and that I should have given my best in that interview. Argghhh because when I think about it, I will be disappointed if I didn't get chosen. Maybe this was a great chance for me to be a better me. Note to myself, I will try my best in everything so that I will not regret it and always ready to accept new challenges. I will not let my emotional be an obstacle for me to experience something new.
Sunday, 8 April 2018
Loved and Hated
You can be the most loved by others and the most hated person by others at the same time. It is possible, you know. You try to seek love and attention from others. Once you start demand for it, you will be the most annoying person. If you didn’t get enough love and attention, you will get restless. You will complain and kept asking why they are not respecting you anymore. Please be careful because from the small act of wanting attention, you can get addicted and unconsciously annoying others. At the end, you can self-harmed and become crazy. I’m not joking. It happens.
Saturday, 24 February 2018
You Look Silly
Yesterday, we send my grandmother's car for a car wash. There is a car in front of us and they got their car washed first. My father parked the car beside their car and we get out from the car. There are chairs provided. So, we used the chair. I was so befuddled at that time and kept asking myself, why the driver and the passenger of the other car did not get out from the car? Do people stay inside the car while getting their car washed is a trend nowadays? All I can say was they look silly.
After the car is being washed, they have to vacuum the car and finally the driver and the passenger come out from the car. Then, what's the point of them sitting inside their car throughout the car wash? If you want to do that, then go to the automatic car wash. At least you will experience something better there. The reason I post this story is because I don't like their arrogant faces. Just that. Silly me and silly them.
Monday, 19 February 2018
It Is Not Wrong To Be A Narcissist(Appreciate) Sometimes
noun: narcissist; plural noun: narcissists
- a person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves.
"narcissists who think the world revolves around them"
I think it's okay for us to be a narcissist sometimes. I sometime think of myself to be pretty when I want to boost my confident level. It is not severe, but I think people do need it sometimes. I once thought that people taking selfies are crazy, but now I just think that they want to boost their confident level. My first impression of people that are taking lots of selfies are that they do not have confident in themselves so they take selfies to appreciate their face or personality. They will praise their own self for being given a beautiful face.
But then again, 'Beauty Lies on the Eyes of The Beholder'. We think our face is enough to rake the praises from people, but others may think otherwise. They may say that we are ugly or 'fake'. Well, you cannot shut other people's mouth. Just ignore them. I like this sentence "I don't give a damn of what's coming out from their mouth". Just focus on yourself and ignore those people, but do not think highly of yourself. It is a waste of time to even think about them.
People can be discouraged because of unattractive appearance. They might lost their confidence but do not think that beauty is the only way to boost your confidence. If you have better education, experience, good personality or knowledge, you can be better than the others. There are so many factors to boost your confident level other than beauty. You can be a narcissist (one that appreciate their face not the one that idolize their face) or you can develop other factors to be confident. I like being a narcissist because I think it helps me with me being confident about everything. I like to keep a low profile because I keep thinking that there are many beautiful girls than me. I felt so discouraged. But as I said "I don't give a damn of what they are talking about me". From there I started to take of myself and learn to have a good personality.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not telling you to have a personality disorder. Just that you have to appreciate of what God has given us not idolize or glorify with the beauty.
Google image.
Thursday, 15 February 2018
15/2/2018 12.40 am
UiTM student should already know what this date means. The result came out today. I looked at it. As soon as I know the result, I went home and went straight for my laptop. Here I am.
Semester 3 yang sangat memenatkan dan sangat sibuk. Aaaaa, saya sedar memang patut pun result macam ni. Sepandai-pandai tupai melompat, akhirnya jatuh ke tanah jua. I've been arrogant for this whole time. Thinking I could do it even though I'm busy. That's all bullshit. My costing subject, I think I failed, but my lecturer decided to save me from repeating the subject, she gave me a C. Anyway, thank you and Alhamdulillah for this result. Lesson learnt. I will work harder for the next semester. I will let you know my result as to compensate my ignorance in studying. I missed my chance to get my ANC but it will never stop me to work harder for next semester.
Pesanan buat anda semua yang mempunyai komitmen atau yang tidak mempunyai komitmen. you should know, study is important. You should focus more on your study than your other activities. Now, you have to embed it in your mind and get back on studying. You did well!! Congratulations!!
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