Thursday, 4 May 2017

New Experience Is Priceless

I am so sleepy. Today is working day and tomorrow is also working day. Bored of it. Just worked for three weeks but already bored because I have no work to do. Should have brought my own work. Now, I am at Tax department and maybe another two months, I will be sent to audit department. I think my communication skill is not at my very best right now, I barely talk and smile to other staffs. I concentrate on my work, I become so serious when I do my job. Rather than wasting my time, I am going to prepare for my upcoming event for next semester. I have another three months being an intern. Oh God, please make it easy for me! Damn the five months break. If it wasn't for the five months, I could have work elsewhere with a higher salary. But, working here can gain experience. Yes, the experience is valuable and I have a very beautiful and nice resume. Getting new experience require us to be brave and endure unexpected situation as it teaches us to face daily challenges in our life.

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