Thursday, 18 May 2017

Dear Migraine,

Migraine in the morning. I ate so much last night, but still the migraine gets to me. I woke up pat 5.00 am, get ready for work. Took the bus with my father to his workplace. It is his first time ride a bus in KL. Proud of him. We are trying to save our money. After my father arrived at his workplace, I took second bus to get to my workplace. Luckily, there were less people on the bus than the past days. I arrived at work early at 7.40 am and I took a nap before other staffs arrived. The office is open at 8.30 am. I am really early. My migraine start acting worst at noon. There is a feast for lunch, hope that by eating can reduce the pounding at the left side of my head. 

Arggghhhh migraine!!!

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