Sunday, 21 July 2013


Today my family and I except my father went shopping. We went to the LRT station at 9 a.m. Then, we arrive at Masjid Jamek. Very crowded!! We start to look for our baju raya. We spent RM 400 on 9 clothes. It was very cheap RM 7 per metre. Hell yeah! Before that, we have to compare the prices on every shop there and Nagoya was the cheapest. After finished shopping, we went to the LRT station and  board a train. I wondered Malaysian is like this. They never care for the old people and the most annoying was they were purposely stand up infront of the door. Right in front of the door!!!!!!??? Why were they like this? Also when people on board wanted to step out of the train, they will push them. WTH!!?? Thruthfully It was very embarrassing and that time there was a couple of tourist. Hmmmm, it was so hard to educate Malaysian. If the people are like this then how Malaysian want to be a developed country? Pleassseeee!!

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