Wednesday, 3 July 2013


That was one hell of a debate. I became the proposer. I am the third one. The title was the advantage of illegal immigrants to the country. I really did not know how to debate. But I volunteered myself. When I was debating, I have no idea and keep repeating the same thing LOL. Then when the opposition spoke, I interrupted him. Well that was debate. The third opposition talked about politics and my classmate gave out a big sigh. Majority of my classmates support that one party but there were two of this boy support the other party. Actually the girls become the proposer while the boys became the protester. And this boy betrayed the the boys by helping us the girls because of the third protester talked about politics. I knew that the third protester want to be a politician, no wonder he knew all about politics in detail. We fought till finish BM's time. The teacher conclude that the students of 3 Aktif were very active and knowledgeable. The teacher said that on our age, politics is not what the students should care about now, we have to study first. So, we did not know who is the winner yet but If my team lose, in any way it will also benefits me.

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