Thursday, 9 November 2017


This last two weeks are such a disaster weeks for me. I cried because of stress. My study is going nowhere. I missed out English class for one day and because of that, I missed out the test. Luckily, I can sit for the test later that day. And because of that too, I skip all the classes I have that day. I broke down, I cannot handle the stress I'm having right now. Wish that my parent is here with me now.For the mid-term break, I get one week holiday. I didn't get to spend enough time because I was on the phone, chatting with my friend about my college event. Now, I cannot go home until 1st Dec. Missing them so much right now. I cannot attend my mother's graduation and my sister's birthday. The whole month is working month for me, not studying month. I HAVE TO CATCH UP A LOT!!. Tests, presentations. Huwaaaaaa.....


The image is from Google.

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