Thursday, 10 October 2013

Textbooks Day

Woah so tired! I helped the teachers with the textbooks for Form 3 since we have done with our studies for the year. My job was on the entrance. The boys were so rude, they pushed me and there were also several students who did not satisfied with me. Well, I don't give a damn. I told them to queue up but they did not want to so what's the point to not satisfied with me. Even if I scream my heart out, they still wouldn't listen. Last year, I did not take the entrance job but I managed the students to returned their books. Tomorrow I have another one, I do not know what work will the teachers ask me. Overall, this job was easy because I'd already used to their behaviors. Actually, I did not want to come tomorrow, but I will because I want to help the teachers and I want to do my duty of Librarian. I haven't gone to PSS for 2 months. I felt a bit guilty but I knew that the teachers won't mind because she knew I have PMR. I really want to arrange the books, sweeping, telling them to shut up and else.Bye

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