Friday, 21 June 2013


I don't know these days, I have been so relax. I didn't care about my coming trial. Plus it is PMR trial. I did my best to finish the exercises but I end up sleeping. I was very tired. After school ended, I rode a bus and I had to walk a kilometer to reach my house. For me, I became so tired. After taking a bath and performed my prayer, I did my exercises. 1.....2.....3.....zzzZZzZZzZZzz. Sleeping! I wake up at 6. At that time, my mother already came home and she didn't bother to wake me up. I wake up on my own and suddenly I was told to prepare the dinner. After Isyak prayer, I continue my work. If I'm on the mood I will stop at 11 but If I don't I will stop at 10. Hehe! I'm so damn worried about my trial. I had to get my 8As. Another one month for the trial! Ok Study! Study! Study!

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